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Your donation helps us create free resources that give teens the tools they need to thrive

Join us in making a difference

We have produced 8 films to date and over the past 10 years, our films have reached over 2 million students nationwide.

Together, we can rewrite the narratives of struggle into stories of resilience and triumph, empowering a new generation of young minds. Your support fuels our mission to create a world where mental health is not only acknowledged but embraced.

Teens need to know they are not alone in the challenges they face

By giving to the glowmedia project, you help young people access educational resources that allow them to explore mental health challenges in an engaging and stigma-free way.

Nearly one-third of teens suffer from an anxiety disorder
95% of people with eating disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25
1 in 6 teens admits to taking prescription meds to get high or change their mood
Contribute via check

To contribute via a Check, please make the check out to "Glowmedia" and send it to the address below.  

Send your checks to:

Attn: Trish Glowacki
2712 35th Place, NW
Washington, DC 20007

  • Are my donations tax deductible?
    Yes. Glowmedia is a 501(c)(3) organization and your donations are tax deductible!
  • What is Glowmedia's official title and EIN?
    Title: C Me Grow Inc. EIN: 81-1247638
  • Do you accept gifts of securities?
    Yes. Please contact us for more information.
  • What do my donation dollars fund?
    Production of films, free community and school screenings, promotion of films, and continuous research towards increasing the efficacy of our films.
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